2025 Jobs Report

Together with our higher education and employer partners, we’re proving what’s possible when you empower the next generation of leaders with the skills, networks, experiences, and confidence necessary to launch a strong career.

Kailah Stewart
Northern Illinois University
Community Engagement Representative, Cook County Sheriff
Chris Joyce
Spring 2023 Fellow

What does this report cover?

Lyna Haddad
National Louis University
Marketing Intern,
Cramer Krasselt
Chris Joyce
Spring 2022 Fellow
Alongside our dedicated partners, Braven’s ambition is to help rebuild the middle class and revitalize the American Dream.

By 2032, our ambition is to work with 80,000-100,000 students, empowering 25,000 new students through the course each year.

To date, we’ve worked with 12,000 Fellows in many communities across the country.

In this report, we highlight the stories of the incredibly talented, diverse undergraduate students we have the privilege of working with as we dive into two questions that assess Braven’s impact:
Are our Fellows getting strong jobs that put them on the path to the American Dream?
Are we supporting Fellows on the path to internships and college completion?

Why our work matters

Jayan Peebles
Northern Illinois University
Client Services Analyst,
Societe Generale
Joshua Christie | Purpose Portraits
Spring 2023 Fellow

Nationally, only about 30% of 1.4 million low-income or first-generation college students who enroll in college each year will graduate and secure a strong first job or enter graduate school.1

Low-income or first-generation college student enrollees each year
1.4 million
~ 1 million
Not on Path To The American Dream
That’s more than one million students every single year who aren’t on the path to the American Dream.


In collaboration with our higher education and employer partners, Braven empowers promising college students with the skills, confidence, experiences, and networks necessary to transition from college to strong economic opportunities, which lead to meaningful careers and lives of impact.


The next generation of leaders will emerge from everywhere.

The Braven Model

Braven empowers promising college students on their paths toward quality economic opportunities through a semester-long, cohort-based course—developed with input from our higher education partners and faculty—and support that extends beyond the course, continuing through six months after college graduation.

In our core higher education model, students take the course for credit. Students who come through BravenX via college success organizations receive a financial stipend in lieu of credit.

Our Partners


The Journey of the Class of 2024

The Class of 2024 had a unique and difficult undergraduate experience. They began college in a pandemic and graduated into a cooling labor market.
Amid the Class of 2024's freshman year, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts higher education and student experiences
The percentage of students enrolled in at least one distance education course doubled.2
Fall 2019
Fall 2020
2021- 2023
During the middle of the Class of 2024's higher education experience, job and internship opportunities recover
In March 2022, job openings
rebounded to the highest level recorded since 2000: 12 million openings.3
7 mil
FEB 2020
March 2022
The Braven Class of 2024 had the highest rate of internship attainment out of the past 6 graduating classes largely due to increases in internship opportunities post-pandemic.4
As the Class of 2024 graduates, the labor market cools off, hiring slows down, and unemployment increases
The newest job seekers, those aged 20 to 24, saw a 1.2 percentage point increase in their unemployment rate -- 4x the growth in the unemployment rate across all workers.5, 6
Percentage points
OCT 2023
OCT 2024
Unemployment rate for Ages 20 to 24
Percentage points
OCT 2023
OCT 2024
Unemployment rate for all Ages

The Journey of the Class of 2024

The Class of 2024 had a unique and difficult undergraduate experience.They began college in a pandemic and graduated into a cooling labor market.
Amid the Class of 2024's freshman year, the COVID-19 pandemic
disrupts higher education
and student experiences
The percentage of students enrolled in at least one distance education course doubled.2
Fall 2019
Fall 2020
2021- 2023
During the middle of the
Class of 2024's higher education experience, job and internship opportunities recover
In March 2022, job openings
rebounded to the highest level recorded since 2000: 12 million openings.3
7 mil3
FEB 2020
March 2022

The Braven Class of 2024 had the highest rate of internship attainment out of the past 6 graduating classes largely due to increases in internship opportunities post-pandemic.4

As the Class of 2024 graduates,
the labor market cools off,
hiring slows down, and unemployment increases
The newest job seekers, those aged 20 to 24, saw a 1.2 percentage point increase in their unemployment rate -- 4x the growth in the unemployment rate across all workers.5, 6
Percentage points
OCT 2023
OCT 2024
Unemployment Rate for Ages 20 To 24
Percentage points
OCT 2023
OCT 2024
Unemployment Rate for All Ages

Digging Deeper: Chicago's Lagging Job Market

Chicago posts highest unemployment rate among metro areas

In June 2024, Chicago had the nation’s worst unemployment rate of 6.2%, which was 2.1 percentage points higher than the nation.7

While not as severe as Chicago, in June 2024, the unemployment rate in DeKalb, County was 5.6%, 1.5 percentage points higher than the nation.8

National unemployment rate
Dekalb unemployment rate
Chicago Unemployment rate
Job growth lags behind national trends across key industries

From May 2023 to May 2024, Chicago showed much slower growth in employment across industries, particularly professional & business services, compared to the rest of the nation.9

Transportation &
Professional & Business Services
Education & Health Services
Leisure & Hospitality
Donna Gillespie
Northern Illinois University
Administrator, Transdev North America
Chris Joyce
Fall 2023 Fellow

NIU Braven Fellows aTTAIN Quality Opportunities After College

George Draper, III
San José State University
Operations Manager, Amazon
Joe Mazza Photography (San Francisco, CA)
Spring 2024 Fellow
In 2024, 980 Braven Fellows graduated from core partner schools.

This year across our core model higher education partner sites, quality opportunity attainment ranges from 45% to 70%. As we scale, we will continue to address these differences to ensure that Fellows remain on the path to economic mobility.

We are proud of the achievements of our graduates who hail from a diverse set of institutions and are launching their careers into local labor markets that vary in industry composition and stages of economic recovery.  

This new class is outpacing their peers nationally in quality outcome attainment by 21 percentage points (61% vs 40%) within six months of graduation.7,8  

Eighty-four percent of the Class of 2024 of Braven graduates were employed overall or enrolled in graduate school within six months of college graduation.

In 2024, 143 NIU Braven Fellows graduated from college.

52% of graduates secured quality opportunities, and 85% are employed overall or enrolled in graduate school.10

   2024 NIU Braven Graduates
percentage points
GRADUATES WITH A BACHELOR'S DEGREE FROM PEER INSTITUTIONS With a similar concentration of pell grant recipients (2012-2021)11
NIU Braven Class of 2024 Demographics12
People of color
asian American,
pacific islander
Students from low-income Backgrounds
First-Generation college students
Lance Simon
Rutgers University-Newark
Tax Consultant, Deloitte
Joshua Christie | Purpose Portraits
Spring 2022 Fellow


Of the 143 Braven Fellows who graduated from NIU in 2024,
Are employed or enrolled in graduate school
2024 NIU Braven Graduates10
Quality Roles or graduate school
Pathway Roles
Non-Quality roles
How we define quality economic opportunities:
Quality role:

a full-time role that requires a bachelor’s degree and includes some combination of promotion pathways, employee benefits, and a market-competitive starting salary, or enrollment in graduate school

Pathway role:

a role that does not require a bachelor’s degree but helps students’ financial sustainability, is aligned with career interests, and will likely lead to more career-accelerating possibilities through skill development

Non-quality role:

a role that does not require a bachelor’s degree, offers limited runway to additional career-accelerating opportunities, and is not aligned with students’ career interests

National Fellow Enrollment In Graduate School

Enrollment in graduate school is one of the ways Braven defines a quality first outcome.
23 percent of our 980 2024 graduates went on to graduate school within six months of graduation.
Enrollment in graduate school is one of the ways Braven defines a quality first outcome.
  1. Agnes Scott College
  2. American University/
  3. Barry University
  4. Baruch College*
  5. Boston University
  6. Brown University
  7. California State University-Long Beach
  8. Campbell University
  9. Capella University
  10. Chicago School of Professional Psychology+
  11. Chicago-Kent College of Law+
  12. Clemson University
  13. Columbia University*
  14. Cornell University*
  15. DePaul University+
  16. Duke University
  17. Eastern Illinois University
  18. Elmhurst University
  19. Emory University
  20. Emory University Goizueta Business School
  21. Florida A&M University
  22. George Mason University/
  23. George Washington University/
  24. Georgetown University/
  25. Georgetown University School of Medicine/
  26. Georgia State University
  27. Georgia State University College of Law
  28. Hofstra University*
  29. Howard University/
  30. Lebanon Valley College
  31. Lehman College*
  32. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
  33. Loyola Marymount University
  34. Loyola University+
  35. Meharry Medical College
  36. Mercer University
  37. Michigan State University
  38. Montclair State University
  39. Morehouse School of Medicine
  40. National Louis University+
  41. New Jersey Institute of Technology
  42. North Carolina Central University
  43. Northern Illinois University
  44. Northwestern University+
  45. New York University*
  46. New York University Silver School of Social Work*
  47. Ohio State University
  48. Oregon State University
  49. Pepperdine University
  50. Purdue University
  51. Quinnipiac University
  52. Rush University+
  53. Rutgers Business School - Newark
  54. Rutgers School of Public Health
  55. Rutgers University - Newark
  56. Samuel Merrit University
  57. San José State University
  58. San José State University - Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
  59. Seton Hall University School of Law
  60. South College Atlanta
  61. Stanford University
  62. State University of New York Upstate Medical University
  63. Syracuse University
  64. The City College of New York*
  65. The City University of New York*
  66. The George Washington University/
  67. Tufts University
  68. Tuskegee University
  69. University of California, Los Angeles
  70. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  71. University of Cincinnati
  72. University of Connecticut
  73. University of Georgia
  74. University of Illinois
  75. University of Illinois Chicago+
  76. University of Indianapolis
  77. University of Miami
  78. University of Michigan
  79. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
  80. University of Pittsburgh
  81. University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
  82. University of San Diego
  83. University of South Carolina
  84. University of Southern California
  85. University of Tennessee
  86. University of the District of Columbia/
  87. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  88. Vanderbilt University

International Schools

  1. British Academy of Dramatic Arts
  2. London School of Economics
  3. University of Manchester

/ Denotes schools in Washington D.C. area (8)

* Denotes schools in New York City area (9)

+ Denotes schools in Chicago area (8)

International Schools

  1. British Academy of Dramatic Arts
  2. London School of Economics
  3. University of Manchester

/ Denotes schools in Washington D.C. area (8)

* Denotes schools in New York City area (9)

+ Denotes schools in Chicago area (8)

Braven Fellows on a Thriving Path In Today's Economy

Julianna Willson
Client Associate, The Mather Group, LLC
Fall 2021 Fellow
When students develop career-readiness skills, networks, confidence, and experiences, the American Dream is attainable within semesters.

74% of our graduates nationally are already out earning their parents at the same age in their first job out of college.13

By comparison, by age 30, Americans have a 50-50 shot of out-earning their parents.14

Most popular industries for Braven Fellows13

Banking & Finance
Jada Farley-Cook
Spelman College
Asset & Wealth Management Financial Analyst,
Goldman Sachs
Kate Goduco
fall 2021 Fellow

Building Career Wealth & Health

A high quality first job helps individuals build long-term wealth and health.

Braven defines a strong first job as one that requires a bachelor’s degree and is full-time, and also includes some combination of promotion pathways, employee benefits, and a market-competitive starting salary.

Six months post-graduation, NIU Braven Fellows in the class of 2024 are earning above the national average salary of all early career college graduates.

Mean salary of employed 2024 NIU Braven graduates in the first 6 months after college graduation

Compared to a national average of $42,537 of recent college graduates aged 23-24 who were employed in 202315

Mean salary of full-time employed 2024 NIU Braven graduates in the first 6 months after college graduation

Compared to a national average of $49,630 of recent college graduates aged 23-24 who worked full-time in 202315

Recent National Braven Graduates



The Braven equation in Action

Sterlen Johnson
Northern Illinois University
Tax Auditor, Franchise Tax Board California
Chris Joyce
fall 2022 Fellow
With Braven’s help, Sterlen Johnson built the foundation to get on the path to the American promise.

Paired with Leadership Coach PJ Martin, Independent Software Consultant and Owner of Wade Solutions who provided Sterlen with 60 hours of mentorship.


The Braven experience
equipped Sterlen with
5 key career competencies:

Self-driven leadership • Working in teams • Problem solving • Networking and communicating • Operating and managing


After the Braven course, Sterlen secured a high-quality internships:

Digital Assurance Transparency Intern, PwC &
Tax Intern, Crowe LLP


“Thanks to Northern Illinois University and Braven, I gained the confidence and skills to stand out in my career journey. Braven helped me build meaningful connections. Their guidance gave me the edge to land my current role, and I now step into my career with confidence and a powerful network behind me.”

With Braven’s help, Sterlen Johnson built the foundation to get on the path to the American promise.
Paired with Leadership Coach PJ Martin, Independent Software Consultant and Owner of Wade Solutions who provided Sterlen with 60 hours of mentorship.
The Braven experience
equipped Sterlen with
5 key career competencies:

Self-driven leadership • Working in teams • Problem solving • Networking and communicating • Operating and managing
“Thanks to Northern Illinois University and Braven, I gained the confidence and skills to stand out in my career journey. Braven helped me build meaningful connections. Their guidance gave me the edge to land my current role, and I now step into my career with confidence and a powerful network behind me.”
After the Braven course, Sterlen secured high-quality internships:

Digital Assurance Transparency Intern, PwC
Tax Intern, Crowe LLP

ARE We supporting Fellows to secure internships?

Disparities in Access to Internship Completion

Internships prepare students to launch strong careers by helping them:16

Develop skills such as communication, teamwork, problem- solving, and leadership
Gain confidence
or clarity around career goals
Expand professional connections

Signal to employers their acquired knowledge and skills17

Not All Internships Are Created Equal

Paid internships result in better career outcomes.18

more likely to receive a job offer than unpaid Interns
in starting salary vs. unpaid interns

The highest quality internships share these characteristics:16, 19

They Are Paid
There is a plan for what the intern is Learning
include relatively high skill tasks with supervision
there is sufficient mentorship and support

Encouraging levels of Internship attainment for Braven Fellows

Jaelyn Logan
Northern Illinois University
Digital Marketing Intern, Algus Packaging
Chris Joyce
Fall 2022 Fellow
For college students, internships serve as critical proof points of experience that open professional doors.
Compared with graduates nationally, NIU Braven 2024 graduates were 4 percentage points more likely to have at least one internship during their college experience.
   NIU Braven 2024 Graduates
percentage points

ARE We supporting Fellows On The Path to college completion?

Juan-David Cardona Londoño
National Louis University
Graduate School, Master in Business Administration, DePaul University
Chris Joyce
Spring 2022 Fellow

Encouraging Levels of Persistence
and Graduation

97%  of NIU Braven Fellows are persisting in college or have graduated.21
Nationally, only about 7 in 10 students graduate within six years of college enrollment.26
NIU Braven Fellows are persisting in and graduating from college at encouraging rates.
NIU Fellow Persistence/Graduation Rate

We Couldn't Do It Without You!

Higher Education Partners & Employer Partners

Higher Education Partners

  • Chicago State University (BravenX)
  • City College of New York – CUNY
  • Delaware State University
  • National Louis University
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Rutgers University - Newark
  • San Francisco State University (launched fall 2024)
  • San José State University
  • Spelman College

BravenX Partners

  • 5 Strong Scholars Foundation
  • Achieve Atlanta
  • Arkansas Commitment
  • Ascend Public Schools
  • Associated Colleges of Illinois
  • Augustana College
  • Breakthrough Kent Denver
  • Carmen Schools of Science & Technology
  • Chicago Scholars
  • Chicago State University
  • City Year Chicago
  • Coney Island Prep Public Schools
  • Cooperman College Scholars
  • Coral Academy of Science Las Vegas
  • Cristo Rey Network
  • DREAM Charter School
  • DSST Public Schools
  • Evanston Scholars
  • Excel Academy Charter School
  • Excellence Community Schools
  • Freedom Preparatory Academy Charter Schools
  • IDEA Public Schools
  • Judson University
  • KIPP Metro Atlanta
  • KIPP Forward
  • Lehman College
  • LISA Academy
  • National Association for Urban Debate Leagues
  • Newark Youth Career Pathways Program
  • North Central College
  • Noble Schools
  • Rivet School
  • The Academy Charter School
  • The Wight Foundation
  • Uncommon Schools
  • Uplift Education
  • UtmostU

Employer Partners


(250K+ and programmatic support)

  • Adobe
  • Apollo Opportunity Foundation
  • Atlassian
  • Blackstone Charitable Foundation
  • Deloitte
  • JPMorgan Chase Foundation
  • LinkedIn
  • Morgan Stanley
  • NBA Foundation
  • Salesforce


($100K+ and programmatic support)

  • Allstate
  • Cognizant US
  • The College Board
  • UBS


($25K+ and programmatic support)

  • Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance
  • Blackbaud
  • CBRE
  • CIBC Bank USA
  • CME Group Foundation
  • Northern Trust
  • Rakuten International
  • Silver Lake
  • Taco Bell Foundation
  • United Airlines


($10K+ and programmatic support

  • Okta


($5K and/or programmatic support)

  • Cramer-Krasset
  • GEM Realty Capital
  • Google
  • Kindle Communications
  • McKinsey & Company
  • McMaster-Carr
  • Morningstar
  • PEAK6
  • Summit Trail Advisors

Supporters (10K+)

  • Anonymous X3
  • A Better Chicago Fund, a Fund of the Robert R. McCormick Foundation
  • Bill Unger
  • Charles Ashby Lewis & Penny Bender Sebring
  • Chicago Community Trust
  • Crankstart Foundation
  • Crown Family Philanthropies
  • David Cohen & Kristen Argo
  • Deloitte Foundation
  • Ellie’s Foundation Fund
  • Finnegan Family Foundation
  • Mansueto Foundation
  • Marc and Jeanne Malnati Family Foundation
  • Osa Foundation
  • Origami Works Foundation
  • Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
  • Prosper Road Foundation
  • Ron & Kathy Sonenthal
  • Sandy & Jim Reynolds
  • Schreiber Philanthropy
  • Siragusa Family Foundation
  • Square One Foundation
  • The Cleveland Avenue Foundation for Education
  • The Joseph Pedott Charitable Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
  • The Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation
  • Vivo Foundation
  • A big thank you to our Chicago Board of Directors:
  • Sarah Berghorst
  • Mara Botman
  • David Cohen
  • Joan Evans
  • Betty Fleurimond
  • Kelly Mannard
  • Ron Sonenthal
  • Liz Thompson

Spotlight On

NLU Braven Fellows aTTAIN Quality Opportunities After College

NLU Braven Class of 2024 Demographics
People of color
asian American,
pacific islander
Students from low-income Backgrounds
First-Generation college students
In 2024, 124 Braven Fellows graduated from NLU.

In Chicago, Braven pilots a version of our core model with National Louis University, an open access school founded to expand access to higher education to those who may face greater geographic, demographic, or economic barriers.

In 2024, 124 Braven Fellows graduated from National Louis University (NLU), and we’re encouraged to see that 77% are employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of college graduation.23

2024 NLU Braven Graduates23
Quality Roles or graduate school
Pathway roles
Non-Quality roles
How we define quality economic opportunities:
Quality role:

a full-time role that requires a bachelor’s degree and includes some combination of promotion pathways, employee benefits, and a market-competitive starting salary, or enrollment in graduate school

Pathway role:

a role that does not require a bachelor’s degree but helps students’ financial sustainability, is aligned with career interests, and will likely lead to more career-accelerating possibilities through skill development

Non-quality role:

a role that does not require a bachelor’s degree, offers limited runway to additional career-accelerating opportunities, and is not aligned with students’ career interests

Encouraging levels of Internship attainment for Braven Fellows

Jocelyn Camacho
National Louis University
Marketing Intern,
Cramer Krasselt
Chris Joyce
Spring 2024 Fellow
For college students, internships serve as critical proof points of experience that open professional doors.
Compared with graduates of color nationally, NLU Braven 2024 graduates were 2 percentage points more likely to have at least one internship during their college experience.
   NLU Braven 2024 Graduates
percentage points
Ruth Anderson
National Louis University
Student Success Manager, Kaplan University
Chris Joyce
Spring 2021 Fellow

Encouraging Levels of Persistence
and Graduation

NLU Braven Fellows have achieved a 93% six-year graduation rate.25
Nationally, only about 7 in 10 students graduate within six years of college enrollment.26
Braven Fellows, who typically join us during their sophomore or junior year, are persisting and graduating at encouraging rates.
NLU Fellow 6-year Graduation Rate
NLU Braven 2024 Graduates

Spotlight on Bravenx

Javier Manzanarez
2nd Grade Teacher,
Clayton County Public Schools
FALL 2022 Fellow

BravenX Innovation AND PROGRAMMING

Part of our innovation programming, BravenX is a 14-week virtual fellowship experience that equips participants with the skills, confidence, networks, and experiences necessary to launch a strong career.

This program is fully virtual and identical in length, content, and cohort structure as our university-for-credit model. However, it is made possible through partnerships with college access and success organizations.

Braven helps empower their alumni to build the foundation for their careers. BravenX Fellows earn a financial stipend upon completion of the program in lieu of academic credit. In some cases, BravenX is added as a scholarship requirement.

2024 Bravenx Graduates
Quality Roles or graduate school
Pathway roles
Non-Quality roles

Encouraging levels of Internship attainment for BravenX Fellows

Vada Williams
Chicago State University
Program Intern,
First Tee Greater Chicago
Chris Joyce
Fall 2021 Fellow
For college students, internships serve as critical proof points of experience that open professional doors.
Compared with graduates nationally, BravenX 2024 graduates were 28 percentage points more likely to have at least one internship during their college experience.
BravenX 2024 Graduates
percentage points


  1. Statistics based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics (2021 digest and 2019 NCES 2019-487), National Student Clearinghouse Research Center’s Transfer & Progress report (Fall 2022), and Third Way’s “The Pell Divide: How Four-Year Institutions are Failing to Graduate Low- and Moderate-Income Students” (2018).
  2. National Center for Education Statistics. "Distance Learning." Fast Facts, U.S. Department of Education,  Accessed 5 Dec. 2024.
  3. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Job Openings Reach Record Highs in 2022 as the Labor Market Recovery Continues." Monthly Labor Review, 2023.
  4. National Association of Colleges and Employers. "Students Recognize the Importance of Gaining Internship Experience." NACEweb.
  5. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Unemployment Rate - College Graduates - Bachelor's Degree, 20 to 24 years. Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED). Accessed 9 Jan. 2025.
  6. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Unemployment Rate Steady at 4.1 Percent in October 2024." The Economics Daily, 2024.
  7. Hill, Bryce. "Chicago Unemployment Is Highest in Nation." Illinois Policy Institute, 15 Aug. 2024. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
  8. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Unemployment Rate in DeKalb County, IL." FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
  9. Chicago Area Employment — May 2024." Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3 July 2024.*Note: The Chicago data referenced in this source specifically pertains to the Chicago-Naperville-Arlington Heights, IL Metropolitan Division. 'Information' is an industry supersector that includes publishing industries (including software), motion picture and sound recording, broadcasting, telecommunications, data processing, web search portals, and information services.
  10. We have jobs data for 81% of 2024 NIU Braven graduates.
  11. Burning Glass Institute and Strada Institute for the Future of Work, Talent Disrupted: Underemployment, College Graduates, and the Way Forward, 2024. The comparison metric used is percent of employed students who are not underemployed one year after graduation with a bachelor's degree. In the national report, benchmark data for peer institutions was calculated by taking a weighted average of underemployment rates based on the concentration of Pell Grant recipients at Braven's core higher education partners and subtracting this from one. Because NIU is classified as an institution with a high concentration of low-income students, the peer benchmark in this report is based on institutions with a high concentration of low-income students.
  12. Percentage people of color includes all students who identify as any non-White race or ethnicity and/or as a person of color. Race/ethnicity breakdown percentages may not add up to 100% due to specific racial backgrounds shown; they also may add up to more than 100% because students can identify with more than one race or ethnicity.
  13. Inclusive of Braven graduates from 2021-2024.
  14. Chetty, Raj et al. The Fading American Dream: Trends in Absolute Income Mobility Since 1940. Science, December 2016.
  15. U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey. Data filtered by age (AGEP 23-24), income (PINCP > $1), hours worked (WKHP > 35 or WKHP > 0), employment status (ESR Civilian employed, at work), and educational attainment (SCHL Bachelor’s degree). U.S. Census Bureau.
  16. National Survey of College Internships 2023 Technical Report. Strada Education Foundation. June 2024.
  17. Silva, Erik, et al. What Can We Learn from Longitudinal Studies on the Impacts of College Internships? Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Apr. 2022.
  18. 2024 NACE Student Survey Report: Four-Year Schools Executive Summary. Sept. 2024.
  19. Deming, David, Joseph B. Fuller, Rachel Lipson, Kerry McKittrick, Ali Epstein, and Emma Catalfamo. Delivering on the Degree: The College-to-Jobs Playbook. Cambridge, MA: Project on Workforce, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, April 2023.
  20. Strada Education Foundation. "From College to Career: Students' Internship Expectations and Experiences." Strada Education Foundation, 17 May 2023.
  21. Cumulative persistence/graduation rate is calculated for the 417 eligible NIU Braven Fellows who completed the Accelerator course as a freshman, sophomore, or junior through Spring 2024.
  22. National comparison is the implied six-year graduation rate for Black, Hispanic, and Asian students after accounting for those who persisted from freshman to sophomore year and from sophomore to junior year at four-year public institutions. Sources for data: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2023 release of Tables 326.10, 326.30, and 306.50; Pitcher, McCall, and Parson, Kelle. “More to the Retention Story: Exploring Second- to Third-Year Retention at 4-Year Colleges and Universities.” American Institutes for Research. July 2023.
  23. We have jobs data for 81% of 2024 NLU Braven graduates.
  24. Strada Education Foundation. "From College to Career: Students' Internship Expectations and Experiences." Strada Education Foundation, 17 May 2023, stradaeducation.org/report/fr…ons-and-experiences/.
  25. Six-year graduation rate of Braven Fellows includes students who enrolled as first-time freshmen at National Louis University not including those who took Braven as seniors, not including those who took Braven as seniors, transfer students, or international students.
  26. National comparison is the implied six-year graduation rate for Pell Grant recipients who were full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in the 2017 starting cohort (adjusted) at four-year public Title IV institutions, after accounting for those who persisted from freshman to sophomore year and from sophomore to junior year. Sources for data: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, IPEDS, Winter 2023–24, Graduation Rates component (provisional data); Pitcher, McCall, and Parson, Kelle. “More to the Retention Story: Exploring Second- to Third-Year Retention at 4-Year Colleges and Universities.” American Institutes for Research. July 2023.